Wasted Youth (one of my fav poems)

She glanced in the mirror at her reflection

what she found was far from perfection.

She looked at the nose that appeared all wrong.

Her eyes were too tiny,

her lashes too thin,

Her cheekbones too high and too rounded her chin.

She hated her forehead, her skin type, her hair

She hated her looks and thought life unfair.

Then days turned into months

and months became years,

Girl turned to woman with new worries and fears.

The woman grew older as time wandered by.

Her face became wrinkled, her hands became dry.

Now an old withered photo she’s holding.

She looks at the face that before her is unfolding,

She stares at the pretty brown eyes full of light

She wishes it back with all of her might.

She looks at the radiant smile she once hated.

Looks at the glow of the skin that’s now faded,

Beautiful color-rich hair she once had that’s now turned to silver

and makes her so sad.

She put her head down and started to cry,

With beauty like that,

How could life pass you by?


~This poem is definitely one of my favorite poems. Don’t take your beauty for granted. We all have flaws that we might now like, but others might find it even more beautiful than anyone or anything else! Be happy and blessed with what what God has given you. You are special in your own unique way. We do not need to all look the same, we need a variety of beauty! I have flaws that I don’t like, but I embrace them because my God gave them to me, so I accentuate my best features! Try doing the same and being positive! Say daily confirmations infront of the mirror and I assure you that you will begin feeling better about yourself in no time!

~Courtney Cates

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